Thursday, July 28, 2022

Why didn't Dr. Strange use the Time Stone against Thanos?

 First things first: kudos to the Russo brothers. They came up with a brilliant little explanation for any potential plot holes or plot-induced stupidity on the part of the MCU characters.

Whenever people say this or that character didn’t use this or that superpower… all they have to say is this: if they had done something differently, it wouldn’t have been the one scenario out of millions that actually worked.

That nice little explanation works here too. Doctor Strange saw all the possible futures himself. He must have seen at least one where he attempted to use the Time Stone somehow, it must not have worked. Why didn’t it work? Who knows. All we know is that Doctor Strange did everything he needed to for the team’s final success.

If Thanos is so evil, why did he destroy the Infinity Stones in Endgame?

Thanos (in infinity war) isn’t evil.

He’s worse.

He’s a self-righteous zealot, the most dangerous kind of villain.

Thanos isn’t interested in personal gain, personal aggrandisement or even pure power.

He isn’t chaotic like the Joker, looking to cause discord and anarchy. He isn’t vengeful or vindictive like Killmonger or The Vulture. He isn’t selfish.

He doesn’t exhibit the seven deadly sins:

  • He isn’t consumed by lust- we don’t see him commit any sort of amorous transgression
    He isn’t 
    greedy - we don’t see him attempt to use the stones to amass more wealth or power
    He isn’t 
    gluttonous - we never see him overindulge in any pleasure
  • He isn’t slothful- he doesn’t delegate tasks unnecessarily, and he tirelessly works towards his goal
  • He isn’t consumed by wrath- hardly anyone in IW is able to anger him (unlike his younger self in endgame). Even when Iron Man makes him bleed, he only loses his temper briefly
  • He doesn’t envy anyone
  • He isn’t prideful- hardly ever gloating or puffing himself up above others, even his underlings.

Basically, Thanos in Infinity War is a kind of religious Zealot. He has given himself over completely to the doctrine of achieving balance through mass slaughter, and he has a single minded vision of a grateful universe flourishing after he wipes out half of its population.
He is so convinced of how correct he is that he believes anyone who has a different opinion is just misguided- which is why he hardly ever kills anyone he doesn’t need to, instead treating them like stubborn children.

A zealot cannot be reasoned with, bargained with, and cannot be motivated to stop, as they are even happy to die themselves in the service of their goal.

They are motivated entirely by ideology.

Thanos isn’t motivated by logic. If he was, it would be clear to him that

1. Balance doesn’t mean you empty half of the scale: that throws everything OUT of balance, as we saw in the young Gamora scene
2. Doubling resources gives the same effect as halving population
3. A halved population will repopulate even faster
4. An all-powerful infinity gauntlet can solve the problem faster by reducing consumption needs across the board

No, he was motivated by a doctrine of mass slaughter in the form of a total dogma, immutable, unchangeable, pure ideology.

And in this case, Thanos’ ideology told him that nothing must undo what he has done.

The stones had to go.

So, devoid of earthly desires, greed, lust, or even care for his own safety, he did what his ideology demanded he do- and wiped out the stones.

Then he retired to a simple life with very few real pleasures, and didn’t even put up a fight when his life was threatened.

Tony had nicknames for almost everything, like calling Peter Underoos. What were some of the others throughout the MCU?

Here all of them I can remember!

“Legolas” For Hawkeye

“Flash Gordon” for Peter Quill

Squidward” for Ebony Maw

“Rock of Ages” for Loki

“Capsicle” For Captain America

Also “Old Man”

“The Wizards" For Dr. Strange And Wong

“Blue Meanie" For Nebula

“Super Secret Boy Band" For The Avengers

“Shakespeare In The Park" For Thor

“Point Break” for Thor

“Lebowski” for Fat Thor

“Mr. Clean" For Drax

“PissAnt” For Ant-Man

Also “Thumbelina" and “Stuart Little”

“Manchurian Candidate” For Bucky

“Build-A-Bear” For Rocket

“Triple Imposter" For Black Widow

"Forehead Of Security" For Happy Hogan

Sir Laurence Olivier" and "Meryl Streep" for Trevor Slattery/Fake Mandarin

“Junior” for Ultron

Why did Thanos remove his armour when getting the Space Stone in Infinity War?

It’s symbolic.

As Thanos gains each Infinity Stone, he begins to lose some kind of outside protection he once received. It’s symbolic of his growing personal power and his decreased reliance on outside aid. He is, in a way, undergoing an apotheosis of sorts.

  • After gaining the Space Stone, he sheds his armor. He no longer needs to rely on a suit to protect him from his enemies.
  • After gaining the Reality Stone, Ebony Maw is killed thanks to the cleverness of Peter Parker. Thanos loses his most powerful lieutenant, but to quote Maw himself, his powers were “quaint” compared to what the Reality Stone offers.
  • He lost the only person he truly loved, Gamora, to gain the Soul Stone.
  • He gained the Time Stone without any outside assistance, save the Power, Space, Reality, and Soul Stones. Yes, he lost the rest of the Black Order and the bulk of his Outrider contingent on Earth, but what use was it now? He could control time.
  • After completing the Infinity Gauntlet, he probably lost everything he had. Half of his armies would have been decimated, the universe in disarray, and he has nobody to turn to. That’s the price he paid for completing his mission.

What Marvel character does Thanos fear more than anyone?

Some might say Thor, or Captain Marvel, because they obliterated his forces and came dangerously close to defeating him.

I disagree. The most pain we ever see on Thanos’ face is right here.

Look at the sheer pain and anguish.

Only moments before, he was swinging his massive sword for a killing blow, the same sword that easily deflected Thor’s lightning and tore apart Captain America’s shield. And how did it fare against Wanda?

With a single blast, she tore it from his hands and ripped a massive chunk out of it.

From then on, Thanos was powerless.

Never in Thanos’ life had he faced someone so absurdly out of his league. Wanda was tearing him to pieces. The only reason she didn’t kill him right there and then was because she wanted him to feel EVERY ounce of pain she had felt losing Vision. Much like Thor, she sacrificed a killing blow for revenge.

Regardless, Thanos was terrified. He had to order an airstrike on his own forces just to stop her, a move that was guaranteed to hurt his army more than the Avengers.

Thor and Captain Marvel are formidable opponents. But neither one of them could scare Thanos to the degree Wanda did.

She may be a glass cannon, but once the cannon is fired, she is nigh unstoppable.

Why do people like Tony Stark more when Captain America and Natasha Romanoff are ready to sacrifice themselves anytime, while Stark hesitated and was scared to sacrifice himself?

Because Tony actually did sacrifice himself despite his fear.

Captain America and Black Widow were totally ready to sacrifice themselves. They had everything to gain and nothing to lose. They had no family, no friends except for each other (considering Falcon and Bucky were dead for a while now), no love interests (Black Widow couldn't have kids either way, and Cap's true love was all the way in the past), and were wanted criminals in the U.S.

Tony Stark was a dad. And a husband. He had a loving family and a home, he was vastly successful with tons of money and his vast intellect. He had a daughter he wanted to be there for, and a wife he wanted to protect. He had family that he cared for more than ANYTHING. Hell, even at the beginning he was terrified of meddling in all of it because he was scared that his family would die or that he would die and leave his family alone.

But he did it anyway. He found out how to fucking time travel. He invented a new fucking infinity gauntlet. He harnessed ancient artifacts from beyond time and quantum physics. He risked everything to save the universe. And in the end it cost him his life.

Tony Stark was scared because he had everything to lose. But he stowed his fear and went in. And, because of him and his sacrifice, the war was won. Not only did he sacrifice his life, he sacrificed a happy life for his family, and his wife and daughter.

That's why Tony Stark is the mightiest Avenger.

Did Thanos respect Thor in Infinity War?

I doubt it. We know that Thanos respected Iron Man, but that’s because Iron Man gave everything to win, fighting as hard as he could even if all he could get was a drop of blood.

Thor, though? Thor had the power to stop Thanos’ master plan with the throw of his axe. Instead, he chose to strike Thanos in the chest so that he could gloat to him over the victory. Even Thanos understood the error, and chided him for it.

And if you think Endgame Thanos has more respect for Thor, you’d be wrong. Endgame Thanos watched Thor chop the head off of Thanos’ future self with ease.

At the time, Thor looked fit and powerful. When Thanos finally met Thor, he looked like this:

Fatter, slower, and not capable of dispatching Thanos as easily as he did before.

I don’t think Thanos has respect for warriors who allow themselves to regress so rapidly.

Thanos doesn’t respect Thor.

Why didn't Dr. Strange use the Time Stone against Thanos?

  First things first: kudos to the Russo brothers. They came up with a brilliant little explanation for any potential plot holes or plot-ind...