Thursday, July 28, 2022

Tony had nicknames for almost everything, like calling Peter Underoos. What were some of the others throughout the MCU?

Here all of them I can remember!

“Legolas” For Hawkeye

“Flash Gordon” for Peter Quill

Squidward” for Ebony Maw

“Rock of Ages” for Loki

“Capsicle” For Captain America

Also “Old Man”

“The Wizards" For Dr. Strange And Wong

“Blue Meanie" For Nebula

“Super Secret Boy Band" For The Avengers

“Shakespeare In The Park" For Thor

“Point Break” for Thor

“Lebowski” for Fat Thor

“Mr. Clean" For Drax

“PissAnt” For Ant-Man

Also “Thumbelina" and “Stuart Little”

“Manchurian Candidate” For Bucky

“Build-A-Bear” For Rocket

“Triple Imposter" For Black Widow

"Forehead Of Security" For Happy Hogan

Sir Laurence Olivier" and "Meryl Streep" for Trevor Slattery/Fake Mandarin

“Junior” for Ultron

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